Sodas are so addictive, they should be classified as a drug, in my personal opinion. Bubbles, sugar, and caffeine are truly a magical combination, but as a fitness pro, I know all too well the health dangers beneath the magic. From the ten teaspoons of sugar per can to the phosphoric acid that causes cavities, there is just NO GOOD REASON to be drinking soda! We all know how bad soft drinks are for our health, so I won’t bore you with a list of reasons to skip the bubbles. Let’s get straight to the fool-proof plan for quitting that nasty habit.

The Strategy:
Going cold turkey…with a twist

I tried for years to go cold turkey cutting cokes out of my diet. I didn’t buy them at the grocery store only to crack and run to the gas station late at night for my fix. You have to replace the habit or you will be miserable and more than likely, unsuccessful. What in the world could mimic a soda? Wine or beer didn’t cut it (and you shouldn’t be drinking those on a daily basis anyways), and juice is just as bad for your waistline because of the sugar, but also lacked the refreshing carbonation. One day I was feeling queasy and read an article explaining that club soda can calm an upset stomach. So I poured myself a glass and added a splash of orange juice for sweetness. My stomach felt better after a few minutes, and the light went off in my head that this was my answer! I began having club soda or carbonated water with lemon, lime or a splash of juice in place of my usual coke. I never craved coke again – my body was completely fooled! Without all of the sugar and caffeine withdrawals I can take or leave my club soda mocktail, so I don’t need a bubbly beverage every day anymore, but when I do have a craving I know that I can indulge without the guilt. With 20 calories or less, you can kick your soda habit too! Here are some of my favorite recipes:

Better than Sprite

8 ounces of club soda or sparkling water
1/2 of a lime
1/2 of a lemon
**Squeeze those babies into your club soda and enjoy a refreshing low calorie version of a Sprite!

Vodka Cranberry (Minus the vodka, plus the bubbles!)
Barney Stinson was right when he explained to his bartender this universal truth about women…”they all drink vodka cranberries.” So if you’re a lady…I know you’ll like this mocktail!

8 ounces of club soda or sparkling water
splash of cranberry juice
1-2 lime wedges

Mornings are better with mimosas

8 ounces of club soda or sparkling water
splash of orange juice
*If you really wanna get crazy add some fresh fruit like pineapple or raspberries…and if it’s the weekend- add some vodka! Tastes like a mimosa, but better!

Now let out a sigh of relief because you can officially END your sugary bubbly addiction and enjoy the process too! The drink possibilities are endless. Comment with your creations and success stories below!